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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Kitties shouldn't live outdoors

Dill and Potato here, and we want to tell you about our day. Like normal we got up early and went to work with mom. While she took care of other sick animals, Karl and I took care of beating up and chewing on our toys all day. Mom had a special patient today that she told us about. She sad it was a sad and really sick and might have Rabies! Rabies is the worstest virus ever if you don't have your shots for it. Mom said we didn't have to worry though because we are protected. She also said she's gonna help us write a post about rabies in the near future. 

At lunch time  we got to go outside and play for a while. 

Then we came back in and ate lunch with mom and some of her nice coworkers. We have learned that if we put our super cute faces on, we sometimes get to share lunch. 

After a long day at work we were all pretty tired on the drive home. Karl and I took a nap while mom drove. 

We were almost home when mom stopped the car so fast that Karl and I slid around in the back. She hurried and got out of the car. We didn't know what was happening so we jumped into the front seat and I almost squished mom's bannanas (boy would she have been mad). Mom bent down and disappeared near the front of the car and we were a little scared but she popped up a few moments later... And she had a surprise in her arms... was a kitten!!! We love kitties, we live with a bunch at home, but what was this kitty doing outside? Kitties belong inside a home where it is warm and safe.  Mom said this one was a baby and wasn't too smart because he tried to run right in front of her car and almost got hurt really bad. 

Mom brought the kitten home with us and we were really excited because the new kitten is orange and fluffy (all our kitties at home are black or grey) and really friendly and snuggly. Dad was happy to see the kitten too, but not very surprised since he's uses to mom bringing strays home. 

None of us were allowed to play with our new friend tonight except for mom & dad because mom said he has to be tested first. I'm not sure what they are going to test him about but I hope he passes. 

Mom got him all settled in the bathroom with food and water and a litterbox and a place to sleep. He was so hungry seemed like he could eat more than I could, I wonder when the last time someone fed him? He didn't have a collar either. Mom said it was either because he didn't have a home or maybe wasn't cared for. She said he also has a lump in his belly which might be a hernia, but that it was fixable. Mom also said he's younger than Karl and probably only about 6 months old. He's going to come to work with us tomorrow so that we can make sure he is healthy and ok. 

Karl and I wanted to know why he was outside because we know that kitties don't belong out in the scary world alone, there are too many things out there that could hurt them. Mom explained that sometimes kitties are born outside and those kitties are the ones that we aren't allowed to play with because they hiss and scratch and bite and don't have their shots. This kitten was too nice for that though. Mom also said sometimes kittens are brought into people's homes but then for many reasons those people make the kitties go outside without collars for identification or shots or anything and these kitties often get hit by cars or hurt by wild animals or get into fights with other cats. It's not a comfy fun life but some kitties don't have a choice. We were happy to learn that this kitty will have a good life from here on out. 

Mom took some pictures of the new kitten but he doesn't sit still for very long. 

He's trying to get me and Karl through the bathroom door. 

I don't know what crazy thing he's doing with his paws here. 

Waiting for the door to magically open. 

Friday, July 11, 2014

Some things are itchy and hard to swallow...

It's Dill here, I'm a little groggy from all my  antihistamines I had to take today, but mom says I gotta write about what I did before I go to bed tonight so that I can teach other puppies not to do the same...

Yesterday at work Karl and I had a lot of fun. One of the nice people there gave us a comforter to sleep on and mommy gave us some sticks to play with. We were quite proud of all the work we did playing with them by the end of the day. 

Mom didn't seem quite as happy as we were but she still let us go to Hanover pond to play on the way home. We played in the water and found freshwater clams and tried to chase the ducks. 

We also got to eat some raspberries and Indian strawberries and grass. Mom took some pictures of neat looking plants too. 

Mom saw I got what looked like a bug bite on my leg but it was gone by the time we got home. Since it was late we all went to bed. I felt a little weird during the night and coughed a little, but it was worse this morning when I woke up and I was really really itchy. 

Mom brought me to work as usual but didn't let me stay with my brother, instead she took me to the area where all the sick animals go. By then I was super itchy and one of the nice doctors said I had hives. Mom gave me some little pink and white pills that were covered in yummy stuff and I felt better but really tired, so I slept a lot today while mom worked. 

Everyone was really nice to me and gave me  lots of loving and pets. Mom took me out after I was feeling a bit better and I heard her say that she saw a bug bite on my testicle. I don't know what that is but the next thing I knew she was holding something really cold up (she said it was ice) against my sensitive parts. It felt weird but it helped me not feel itchy there so I didn't mind too much. 

When I woke up again around 4 mom was still working but I really had to potty so I let her know. We went outside but when I tried to poop (I love pooping) something got stuck and I got really worried. I tried really hard but just couldn't poop. Mom got me and calmed me down some and brought me back inside where some of the doctors and techs helped get it out. I was really scared but every talked nice to me through it. 

It was some of the blanket and toy stuffing and stick pieces and grass I ate yesterday. How did that get in my butt???? Mom said I was lucky I didn't need surgery. I'm not sure what surgery is but she didn't sound happy when she said it so I don't think it's something I would like. 

Anyway I'm better now and I'm ready to go to bed. Mom says I should tell other doggies not to eat things like blankets or sticks. To only eat your food. Because if you eat those things they might come out of your butt and get stuck there! Or worse you might need a surgery thingy!

Introduction: Potato-head

Hi, my name is Karl-toffell. I know that is a mouth full so you can call me Karl or Potato-head. I am a 9 month old (my birthday is Sept 14th and I like presents too), Leopard Mountain Cur Dog. Mom say this means I got a lot of hound in me, and thats why I love to track and sniff things.

I was only just adopted into this family a short time ago, but I feel like I have lived here forever. I love my brother Dill so much that I can't imagine life without him. Mom brought me home and took care of me because I was really sick and the place where I used to live couldn't take care of me anymore.

You see I lived with some really nice people, but they never took me to a vet in my whole life. I didn't realize the fun I was missing. They never got me any shots or worming medicine or anything, and mom said this was why I got a virus called PARVO. Let me tell you Parvo is B.A.D.! I was so sick, I was vomiting and having diarrhea and I couldn't eat or drink anything for days. I had to be on IV fluids and so many medications, it was terrible. Mom told me I was really lucky though because I made it through the virus and I am really healthy today. She told me that some doggies don't make it and the virus takes them away over the Rainbow Bridge. I am glad I didn't go away I really like my new family.

So I just want to tell you all out there how really super duper important it is to have your human mom or dad go and and get you your shots. I know they pinch a little, but its over really quick and if you are good they will give you treats. And my mom says that even if your parents can't afford a full medical check-up at a vet (even though its really important) there are always low cost vaccination clinics in your area. I know all you puppies out there want to stay with your families that love you and not get sick and suffer like I did, so go tell your parents to vaccinate you now.

This is me just chilling in the grass. I love being outside with all the things to smell, but my favorite thing is to be in the house all curled up on my bed with my brother.

Introduction: Dill-weed

Hi, my name is Dill-weed, or Dill for short and this is my blog. Well... Mom says I have to share it with my pushy little brother, but this post is just about me. In addition to my little brother, we also have some kitty friends that live with us and some pretty loud cockatiels.

I'm almost a year old (my birthday is July 18th if you want to send presents) blue brindle fawn American Staffordshire Terrier. Lots of people also call me a pitbull, but don't believe what you hear about dogs like me because I'm the biggest sweetheart of a dog there is.

I was adopted from a local humane society when mom doggy mom and my 7 siblings were dropped off at their door. 

When I first came home I had a big brother name Pickles who I loved very much. I learned everything I know from him. Sadly, Pickles had some trouble with his lungs and he went away. Mom says that he went over the Rainbow Bridge and that I will get to see him and play with him again some day.

My mom works in an emergency hospital for dogs and cats. My little brother and I get to go to work with her every day.  I love seeing all my doggy and human friends there. I heard a rumor that most dogs don't like going to these "VET' places, but I think they don't know what they are missing. We get hugs and kisses and treats from everyone there, and sometimes they even share part of their lunches with us. We get to smell all kinds of interesting things and we get to run around and play in the big back yard. I don't know what there is not to love.

Here I am sitting in the car for a ride wearing my snazzy Lupine combo collar, Mom says she loves them because even if I get bored and chew on them a little (or a lot), they always give us a new one.

Lots of people say I am handsome. I don't really know what that means, but if it keeps making them scratch my ears I am ok with it.