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Friday, July 11, 2014

Introduction: Dill-weed

Hi, my name is Dill-weed, or Dill for short and this is my blog. Well... Mom says I have to share it with my pushy little brother, but this post is just about me. In addition to my little brother, we also have some kitty friends that live with us and some pretty loud cockatiels.

I'm almost a year old (my birthday is July 18th if you want to send presents) blue brindle fawn American Staffordshire Terrier. Lots of people also call me a pitbull, but don't believe what you hear about dogs like me because I'm the biggest sweetheart of a dog there is.

I was adopted from a local humane society when mom doggy mom and my 7 siblings were dropped off at their door. 

When I first came home I had a big brother name Pickles who I loved very much. I learned everything I know from him. Sadly, Pickles had some trouble with his lungs and he went away. Mom says that he went over the Rainbow Bridge and that I will get to see him and play with him again some day.

My mom works in an emergency hospital for dogs and cats. My little brother and I get to go to work with her every day.  I love seeing all my doggy and human friends there. I heard a rumor that most dogs don't like going to these "VET' places, but I think they don't know what they are missing. We get hugs and kisses and treats from everyone there, and sometimes they even share part of their lunches with us. We get to smell all kinds of interesting things and we get to run around and play in the big back yard. I don't know what there is not to love.

Here I am sitting in the car for a ride wearing my snazzy Lupine combo collar, Mom says she loves them because even if I get bored and chew on them a little (or a lot), they always give us a new one.

Lots of people say I am handsome. I don't really know what that means, but if it keeps making them scratch my ears I am ok with it.

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