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Saturday, July 12, 2014

Kitties shouldn't live outdoors

Dill and Potato here, and we want to tell you about our day. Like normal we got up early and went to work with mom. While she took care of other sick animals, Karl and I took care of beating up and chewing on our toys all day. Mom had a special patient today that she told us about. She sad it was a sad and really sick and might have Rabies! Rabies is the worstest virus ever if you don't have your shots for it. Mom said we didn't have to worry though because we are protected. She also said she's gonna help us write a post about rabies in the near future. 

At lunch time  we got to go outside and play for a while. 

Then we came back in and ate lunch with mom and some of her nice coworkers. We have learned that if we put our super cute faces on, we sometimes get to share lunch. 

After a long day at work we were all pretty tired on the drive home. Karl and I took a nap while mom drove. 

We were almost home when mom stopped the car so fast that Karl and I slid around in the back. She hurried and got out of the car. We didn't know what was happening so we jumped into the front seat and I almost squished mom's bannanas (boy would she have been mad). Mom bent down and disappeared near the front of the car and we were a little scared but she popped up a few moments later... And she had a surprise in her arms... was a kitten!!! We love kitties, we live with a bunch at home, but what was this kitty doing outside? Kitties belong inside a home where it is warm and safe.  Mom said this one was a baby and wasn't too smart because he tried to run right in front of her car and almost got hurt really bad. 

Mom brought the kitten home with us and we were really excited because the new kitten is orange and fluffy (all our kitties at home are black or grey) and really friendly and snuggly. Dad was happy to see the kitten too, but not very surprised since he's uses to mom bringing strays home. 

None of us were allowed to play with our new friend tonight except for mom & dad because mom said he has to be tested first. I'm not sure what they are going to test him about but I hope he passes. 

Mom got him all settled in the bathroom with food and water and a litterbox and a place to sleep. He was so hungry seemed like he could eat more than I could, I wonder when the last time someone fed him? He didn't have a collar either. Mom said it was either because he didn't have a home or maybe wasn't cared for. She said he also has a lump in his belly which might be a hernia, but that it was fixable. Mom also said he's younger than Karl and probably only about 6 months old. He's going to come to work with us tomorrow so that we can make sure he is healthy and ok. 

Karl and I wanted to know why he was outside because we know that kitties don't belong out in the scary world alone, there are too many things out there that could hurt them. Mom explained that sometimes kitties are born outside and those kitties are the ones that we aren't allowed to play with because they hiss and scratch and bite and don't have their shots. This kitten was too nice for that though. Mom also said sometimes kittens are brought into people's homes but then for many reasons those people make the kitties go outside without collars for identification or shots or anything and these kitties often get hit by cars or hurt by wild animals or get into fights with other cats. It's not a comfy fun life but some kitties don't have a choice. We were happy to learn that this kitty will have a good life from here on out. 

Mom took some pictures of the new kitten but he doesn't sit still for very long. 

He's trying to get me and Karl through the bathroom door. 

I don't know what crazy thing he's doing with his paws here. 

Waiting for the door to magically open. 

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